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First Summer School MAGNETOFON

The School will be devoted to the emerging field of ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics, that combines the ideas and concepts of ultrafast magnetization dynamics with spin transport.

The explosive growth of digital data use and storage leads to an enormous rise in energy consumption, which is rapidly becoming unsustainable. Ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics is an emerging field that combines the ideas and concepts of opto-magnetism and spin transport with photonics for ultrafast low-dissipative manipulation and storage of information. Both light and spin currents can control magnetic order, but mechanisms as well as corresponding time scales and energy dissipation differ. Therefore, the most promising development would be to bring together the best of both worlds, combining short time scales and non-dissipative propagation of light with nanoscale selectivity and strong interactions of spin currents. The goal of the School will thus be to educate PhDs and postdocs working in this and adjacent areas, in fundamentals of magnetism, magnetization dynamics, spin transport and related.

  • Attendance is free, but registration on the website is necessary. Each accepted trainee will be reimbursed for maximum 250 € for travel and up to 500 € for accommodation.

for more information see the School website link is not active anymore!

Full program, including lectures on THz spectroscopy, can be downloaded via this link:

Full program

First announcement of the Schoolis here: