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WG1. All-optical switching/manipulation of magnetization

Chairs: Dr. Diana Leitao and Dr. Thomas Ostler

Task 1.1. All-optical switching in ferrimagnetic alloys and multilayers: To investigate the roles of local exchange-driven angular momentum transfer versus non-local one by super-diffusive currents, and to optimize this transfer for optimal switching

Task 1.2. All-optical switching based on inverse opto-magnetic effects: To investigate the efficiency of the inverse opto-magnetic effects in thin films and multilayers, and the feasibility of single-pulse switching.

Task 1.3. Feasibility of switching via the modification of magnetic anisotropy or exchange interaction: To study the possibility to modify the intrinsic magnetic parameters with a laser pulse, and to evaluate the feasibility of magnetic switching via this modification

Task 1.4. Magnetization reversal in thin film and multilayer ferrimagnets driven by current pulses: To investigate the possibility to use short electric pulses to switch the magnetization

WG2. Optics of spin currents

Chairs: Dr. Mehmet Onbasli and Dr. Pernille Klarskov Pedersen

T2.1. Generation of controlled hot electrons using fast laser excitation in engineered multilayers: To study the conversion efficiency of photons to hot electrons as well as the energy, the density and the polarisation of hot electrons generated by short laser pulses

T2.2. Magnetization switching with hot electrons: To study the feasibility and efficiency of single-pulse switching via hot-electron transport, exploring different structures to increase switching frequencies

T2.3. Laser-driven spin-orbitronics: To study the spin-orbit interaction induced effects on laser-driven ballistic and superdiffusive currents.

T2.4. THz control and detection of spin currents: To develop techniques and study the spin current behaviour at THz frequencies

WG3. Ultrafast magneto-electrics

Chairs: Dr. Davide Bossini and Dr. Vladimir Srdic

T3.1 Inverse opto-magnetic effects and crystal symmetry: To study the symmetry properties of opto-magnetic effects, their polarization and spectroscopic dependencies, including light-induced modifications of the symmetry

T3.2 Modification of key magnetic parameters: exchange and magneto-crystalline anisotropy: To search for the microscopic mechanisms that allow such manipulation

T3.3 All-optical switching in magnetic and multiferroic dielectrics: To investigate and summarize various mechanisms that may lead to a single optical pulse magnetic recording in dielectrics

T3.4 Dynamics in magneto-electrics and multiferroics driven by short THz pulses: To separate the effects of electric and magnetic fields of intense THz radiation on the magnetization in dielectrics

WG4. Ultrafast opto-magnonics

Chairs: Dr. Michal Mruczkiewicz and Dr. Florin Ciubotaru

T4.1 Optical shaping of magnonic currents: To realize optical control of wave vectors and wave fronts of excited magnons; to investigate options for sub-wavelength magnonics

T4.2 Electric excitation and detection of optically-driven magnonic currents: To study short time scale behaviour of spin-torque transfer, spin-Hall effect, etc., via electric pulses.

T4.3 Magnonic crystals and reconfigurable magnonic devices: To use engineered structures for optimization of magnon excitation, propagation and focusing.

T4.4 Magnonic currents generated in metals via all-optical switching: To study the interaction of magnonic currents with the electronic system in metals at the ultrashort time scale.